Newzician - Social news app 2.5
What is NEWZICIAN.? Newzician is a social app for news sharingbased on the interaction between users and posts they add. The nameis new, it has a sound of freedom reflecting the function we wouldlike users to practice and develop the experience they will havewhile they are posting, sharing and evaluating News. We Used theword News with the letter "Z" instead of the letter "S" to keep thesound of music in the word and transfer the same feeling and act ofcomposing to the Newzician or the User of the application.Newzician provides Users with their own space to practice a dualprocess role starting from posting News and sharing the Valid partof it without filtration or alteration from NewzicianAdministration. TO SHARE VALID NEWS The main concept behindNEWZICIAN is to SHARE VALID NEWS. Newzician lets users post andshare News locally and globally. Users can choose to post the newsin pre-selected categories to make reading easier for other users.The Locally posted NEWS will appear in the Home Page as a part ofLOCAL NEWS for all users in same country and it will appear as apart of the WORLD NEWS for Users from other counties. All newsposted on Newzician can be seen by all other Users and can beevaluated as Valid, Invalid or Abuse by all except the user whoposted that News. Once a post is tagged as Valid it will be shownon the account of the user who tagged it, and it will be sharedwith his Readers. In Newzician users are not FOLLOWING each otherbut they are READING each other's posts and they are the READERS ofeach other. User will get updated about the subjects,, networks andtopics he ‎is interested in on the SUGGESTED NEWS section based onthe search he makes.
TWICIE - Free Calls on Secured Messenger 1.2.3
Twicie The Secured messenger Make free calls and send securedmessages. Since we started Twicie, we’ve built our Services with aset of strong secure privacy principles in mind. Twicie is thesecured messenger app where you can share all your moments withyour friends, family members or any of your contact list in a verysimple and secured way.We do respect the users’ privacy and we dounderstand how important to all users to feel that the informationthey put in their messages can be sent and seen by the one who theyhad chosen as a receiver for this information. User can at any timechoose to send secured messages to any of his contact and can choseto encrypt the message and can choose among the many availableoptions to make the communication easier and safer. Make your freecalls I each update we introduce new function and with each step wemove up with Twicie services. The new version of Twicie has asignificant upgrade. We introduces the free audio and video callsfunction. users can make free local or international calls and canconnect with other in a very easy way. Send and Get Secured MessageThe texts, Images, videos and voice messages you send by Twiciewill be encrypted to be end-to-end communication. No third partywill be able to see the content of your messages. You can choose tokeep the encrypted messages always seen on your device or you canchoose to hide it. You can also choose the way you encrypt ordecrypt the secured messages. You can find Security Setting as apart of Twicie settings which you can find on right hand side ofthe home page. Shake the device With Twicie you can choose to sendsecured or encrypted message by shaking the device and you candecrypt the received message by shaking the device too. Weintroduced this new feature to make the users interact physicallyand emotionally with Twicie and with their devices while they areenjoying the Twicie service. User can disable this service andchoose to get the messages encrypted or decrypted automaticallywithout the need to shake the device. Invite friends User caninvite his friends and any of his contacts list to use Twicie bysimply click on the contact name and the app will send a direct feeSMS. Any of your contact list who already a user of Twicie will beseen on top of the contact list and will be marked with a tickedorange circle. Twicie Timer User can send set a duration for themessage he sends by using the timed message option and can also setthe sending date and time for his message by using the scheduledmessage. The scheduled message can be sent within one year.Deleting the messages User can at any time delete the messages hesends from his device by click on the recycle bin. He can alsodelete the message from both the sender and the receiver’s deviceif he will click on the double recycle bin. User can choose to hidethe encrypted messages from his device screen and he can choose toshow it at any time without affecting the function of the app orlosing the information he sends or receives while using Twicie.Twicie Groups: Twicie provides a perfect social and businesssecured communication platform as it allows users to make group ofup to 265 users. Users can send and receive secured messages andcan use all the options available in the app as if they are makingone-to-one communication. Share the Encrypted Text Twicie is theonly app lets users to share the encrypted text via emails of otherapplication. User can use the Encrypt/ Decrypt feature to type thetext, encrypt it and share it with others using other applications.The receiver can still forward the text or can copy it to TwicieEncrypt/ Decrypt feature to be decrypted. Change the look User canchange the background between different design and user can send ushis designs to be used as new backgrounds for a certain period andwe will promote his name as one of our team and will share hiscontact with all Twicie users.
Khidmeh 1.0.3
Khidmeh, The services marketplace